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AWS DevOps

AWS DevOps is an approach that combines Amazon Web Services (AWS) with DevOps principles and practices to enhance the software development lifecycle and improve collaboration between development and operations teams.

AWS Devops Overview

AWS DevOps
is an approach that combines Amazon Web Services (AWS) with DevOps principles
and practices to enhance the software development lifecycle and improve
collaboration between development and operations teams. It leverages various
AWS services to automate infrastructure provisioning, application deployment,
testing, monitoring, and management.

Here is an overview of key aspects of AWS DevOps:

Infrastructure as Code (IaC): AWS supports IaC through
services like AWS CloudFormation and AWS CDK. These tools enable you to define
your infrastructure in a declarative manner using templates or code. This
approach allows for version control, repeatability, and scalability of
infrastructure provisioning.

Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): AWS offers a range of services
to facilitate CI/CD pipelines. AWS CodePipeline provides a fully managed
continuous delivery service that automates the build, test, and deployment
stages. AWS CodeBuild is a scalable and customizable build service, while AWS
CodeDeploy automates application deployments to different compute resources.

Management: AWS Systems Manager and AWS OpsWorks assist with configuration
management. Systems Manager provides a unified interface for managing instances
at scale, while OpsWorks is an application management service that integrates
with popular configuration management tools like Chef and Puppet.

Monitoring and
Logging: AWS CloudWatch enables real-time monitoring of AWS resources,
applications, and custom metrics. It collects and tracks logs, sets alarms, and
triggers automated responses. CloudWatch integrates with other AWS services,
providing insights into application performance and enabling proactive

Computing: AWS Lambda allows you to run code without managing servers. It
supports serverless architectures, event-driven processing, and microservices.
Lambda integrates with various AWS services, allowing you to build scalable and
event-triggered applications.

Automation: AWS provides services like AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS OpsWorks, and
AWS Fargate that automate infrastructure management tasks. These services
handle resource provisioning, scaling, and load balancing, simplifying
application deployments.

Security and
Compliance: AWS offers robust security features and services to ensure the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your applications and data. IAM
enables fine-grained access control, AWS Secrets Manager safeguards sensitive
information, AWS KMS manages encryption keys, and AWS CloudTrail provides
auditing and compliance capabilities.

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